Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Introduction to Japanese!

Hey guys!

I decided to take Japanese because it is part of my heritage and I want to add to what I have learned in high school Japanese. I am excited to learn about the Japanese culture and festivities, as well as writing Japanese characters. Being able to read and speak the language better will give me the chance to converse with other Japanese students. And when I visit my family in Japan, I will be able to hold a conversation and practice using it in everyday life.

A difficulty I have noticed in these first four weeks is having quizzes everyday. Although they are short, it is hard to manage your time to study for them and be fully prepared each day. The rest of the work is an adequate amount.


  1. Those quizzes are tough, I often find that I only really learn the vocab after we use it in class for a while

  2. You have family in Japan? That's so cool! What part of Japan do they live in?

    1. Yup my dad's side all live in Japan. They live in the country side, two hours north of Tokyo in a prefecture called Tochigi.
