Tuesday, February 26, 2013

About Communication (second part)

I forgot half of the posting so here is what I think of communication.

Communication is a way of clearly getting our thoughts and ideas across. This is how we interact and socialize with others. Communication requires a sender and a recipient. This can happen across and distance or time, and the ways of communication are usually understood by all people. Without communication, living would be very difficult.

This project will increase our understanding of communicating in Japanese as well as improving it. The practice helps familiarize ourselves with being able to speak fluently and holding a conversation.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree that the practice will help us familiarize ourselves with what we've learned. Unlike in class where we conduct conversations with most of the information / structures present on the big screen, in the podcast we actually have to communicate, without a "script" to read off of, like real Japanese speakers.
